Where are you now?

We’d love to hear what you’ve been up to in the last 20 years! Fill out the form so we can add you to this page!

Class of 2004 Alumni

Adrian, Matt

Current City: San Diego, CA

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

After high school, I went to college in Missouri. I landed in Southern California 13 years ago after a short stint of teaching English in Korea.

In 2013 I met my wife and we married that same year. Today I have three kids who are ages 6, 5, and 2. Except for the year I taught English, I have been working at churches. I’ve been pastoring a church in San Diego since 2023 and plan to stay here the rest of my life.

Barnett, Rachael (Aguilos)

Current City: Tulsa, OK

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


I am married to my high school sweetheart, Hernan, and we have three beautiful children! Sawyer is 11, Hazel is 7 and Hattie is 4. We live in Tulsa where our kids go to a Spanish immersion school. I volunteer at their school and lead my daughter’s Girl Scout troop.

After high school, I went to K-State, then to University of Nebraska (UNL) for grad school to become a speech language pathologist. Before having our third child, I was a SLP in the schools and private practice.

Blevins, Brady

Current City: New York City, NY

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


After graduating from HHS I attended KU where I got my degree in Theatre in ‘08 (Rock Chalk!).

Acting first took me to Minneapolis, MN, then on the road where I performed in over 30 states on multiple tours, and eventually brought me to NYC.

I’ve been in Brooklyn for over a decade now. In that time I met my fiancé David. We’re getting married in a cave in Kentucky this summer. Grateful for the lifelong friendships made at Hutch High and excited to see everyone this Fall!

Bowen, Thomas

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

Well let’s start with after high school I stayed in the area until 2009. In 2009 I moved to Laramie Wyoming for 9 months. Where I attended wyotech and received my occasional associates degree in specialized technology with business management. In June of 2010 I came back to Kansas and have been here since. I currently work for myself as an independent contractor. I am happily married to my wife Dawnyele who we are raising our two beautiful children paisley (7) Kinzley (1). In our “spare” time we are normally enjoying time at the races or watching Kansas City chiefs football!!

Breese, Sarah (Foran)

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

After high school I became a carnival worker (carny) for Hedrick’s exotic animal farm and traveled to fairs all over the US. I stopped in Oklahoma for a while and worked for the Tiger King until he stopped paying us. From there I ended up in prison and met my husband. Been married 8 years and were still in prison. I’m a counselor now and work in reentry. Been a wild ride, can’t wait to see you all again.

Corwin, Chelsea (Mullins)

Current City: Wichita, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

20 years sure has flown by. I’m currently living in Wichita, KS with my husband Derek and 11 yo daughter, Lindley.

I’ve been a nurse for 16 years and currently work at an Ambulatory Infusion Clinic. My husband is a mechanical engineer and also a commander in the Army National Guard. We will be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary this year. Lindley keeps us busy with basketball and singing.

Thankful to still be close to family and friends and can’t wait to see everyone at the reunion.

Eriksen, Whitney (Chang)

Current City: Fairway, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

Hi! I live in the Kansas City area with my husband, Ken, and our awesome kids Nora (9 – she was a tiny bean in my belly at our 10-year!) and Dawson (6).

I graduated from KU with degrees in Journalism and English and worked for the alumni magazine for awhile before moving to Philadelphia for a little East Coast adventure. I loved every minute of it, but my Midwest roots were calling me back.

I moved to KC and got married, then decided to follow my 2nd grade dreams of being a teacher and enrolled in a Master’s of Elementary Ed program. I have been teaching 2nd grade at our neighborhood school for eight years and get to go to school with my own kids every day.

We love to travel and have gotten to visit some incredible places, but there is no place like home! Cannot wait to catch up with you all!

Farley, Seth

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


I’ve lived a lot of life since we all graduated. I shipped off to Chicago for college. I was surprised that the transition to such a large city wasn’t more difficult. But I spent seven years there and truly fell in love with the city.

I graduated with a degree in Film and Video. In 2011 it made sense for me to move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in The Film and Television Industry. I was surprised to find how different LA is to Chicago. But nevertheless I had found a new place to call home.

I lived in Los Angeles for ten years where I worked in The Film and Television Industry as a 1st Assistant Director and as a member of The Director’s Guild of America. I’ve worked on independent movies and some television. As well as commercials and music videos of all shapes and sizes. It’s extremely likely that you’ve all seen projects that I’ve worked on.

In 2020 the pandemic hit. Which, just like for a lot of us, upended my life and career. Through all of that I realized that it was time to move on from Los Angeles, and eventually The Film and Television Industry. So in 2021 I moved to Louisville Kentucky. I worked in film and TV for a little bit longer after I moved there. But eventually I left that industry and became a fire safety system inspector. That was a major change of pace.

I really loved Louisville. It offered the best of both worlds with every amenity that a large city could offer, but with some other smaller community sensibilities. But after a while I started to get this sort of itch and I didn’t know what it was. After a couple of years, however, it became clear to me. I was getting to that point in my life where I was desiring to once again be close to my family. So so in march of 2024 I moved back to Hutchinson Kansas USA.

And I am absolutely head over heals about being back. I just love how much this town offers in terms of things to do and incredible people. The first thing I did when I got back to town was to volunteer for The NJCAA Basketball Tournament. It was amazing to see such a community focused event just days after I arrived.

I am proud to say that I am now employed by The Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce and by Greater Hutch. For them I serve as Marketing and Member Services. I’ve only been there for about a month but I am absolutely LOVING it. I get to meet so many amazing people from Hutch and I am always up to date on all of the events and fun stuff that’s going on here.

Well it’s been twenty years! I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion!

Fast, Ashley

Current City: Stockton, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

I am engaged with with four kids of my own and 2 step kids. I’m doing something that no one would ever imagine me doing. I got my CDL class A and I am driving a truck for rooks county!

Harper, Kristen (Armstrong)

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

Business Website

After meeting and getting to know each other during our time at Hutch High West (HCC), Stephen Armstrong and I married in 2008. We’ve lived in Wichita, Garden City (briefly!), and KC Metro before moving back to Hutchinson in 2017. Presently, we stay busy chasing our toddler son, watching our tween daughter’s competitive softball games, and attending community, church, and school activities. I’m almost always planning our next Disney vacation! 😊

Professionally, I have Mrs. Yoder and my time in the Business Technology program at Hutch High to thank for the trajectory of my career and where I am today. After graduating from HHS, I went on to Hutch CC and Wichita State University. I later earned my paralegal certificate Johnson County Community College before graduating from the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) School of Law in December 2016.

During my time as a paralegal and clerking in law school I worked in trust and estate litigation working for some of Kansas and Missouri’s top fiduciary litigation attorneys. After graduation, I decided to move back to Hutchinson, leave litigation behind, and instead dedicate my practice to elder law. Until January of this year, I worked for a Kansas City based elder law firm and managed the firm’s Hutchinson office.

In January, I took the leap of faith and opened my own firm called Generations Estate Planning & Elder Law, LLC. I have an amazing team who supports me and the firm, including Erica Jones, who is the spouse of one of our classmates (Josh). I enjoy working with seniors and often find myself humbled that I am trusted to help them during some of the most difficult times in their lives. I truly love what I do!

Stephen and I were planning to attend the reunion, but we just found out that our daughter has a couple of softball tournament games on Saturday night. We’ll try to stop by to say hello for a little bit if we can!

Hood, Brandi (Goldman)

Current City: Tyler, TX

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: No

I have been living in Tyler, TX for 12 years, 10 of those years as the Head Volleyball Coach for Tyler Junior College. I met my husband in 2017 at a tree planting community service event he was hosting. We were married in 2021 and have three beautiful girls, Tynlee (12), Olliana (almost 2), and Remington (1 week old).

After high school, I attended HCC and Texas Tech University on Volleyball scholarships. I returned to Hutch for a short coaching stint from 2009-2012 at HCC before leaving for Texas.

Johnson, Jodi (Fabbri)

Current City: Bath, UK

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe


I CANNOT believe it’s been 20 years. Since graduation, I’ve done a lot of moving around and trying different things! I lived in Nashville, Wichita, NYC, and Ypsilanti before moving to the Czech Republic in 2012. There, I taught English alongside fellow HHS alum John Sellers. In fact, John and I celebrated our HHS ten year reunion together with drinks in Prague in 2014!

I married my husband Leo in 2015 and we moved to his hometown of London. We now live in a small village near Bath with our wonderful 3 month old baby, Theodora, our old dog Carl, and our Greek cat Mike. Though currently on maternity leave, in normal times I’m a literary agent at Curtis Brown, specializing in translation.

I’m not sure if we’ll make it to the reunion, but look forward to seeing you all there if we do!

Jones, Josh

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

I joined the military after High School and spent 8 years Active Army. I deployed three times to Iraq and Afghanistan, got married to Erica Jones (Hoover) and had three kids during that time. I left Active service, moved back home, joined the National Guard, and joined the the Hutchinson Police Department. Erica and I also serve as youth pastors and she’s a paralegal at Generations Estate Planning. I retire from the Military the end of this year. I have two beautiful teenage daughters, and an almost teenage son. Our lives are full and every day’s wild ride, but I wouldn’t miss a moment!

Jurgens, Christine (Throckmorton)

Current City: Leavenworth, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

My husband Jordan and I will celebrate our 11th anniversary this November. We have a total of 5 kids Ethan (19), Aubrey (17), Jaxson (12), Alyvia (10) and Madisyn (9) We moved to Leavenworth from Hutch in mid 2020, and we love it!! I’m in Hotel management and manage 2 hotels and a conference center in Kansas City. I hope everyone is well!

Murphy, Kyle

Current City: Lincoln, NE

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


After HHS, I went to The University of Nebraska – Lincoln and studied computer science and business. I was fortunate to meet the cofounders of Hudl.com who were older classmates of mine. They hired me as an intern and I built the first 15 years of my career there. It was at school I also met my now wife, Courtney Rodgers. Her family is from Lincoln so we have great support for our two kids: River (girl, 5.5) and Fox (boy, 4). They’re named after sci-fi characters so ask me about that 👽. My parents moved to Lincoln as well from Wisconsin so my Hutch ties are no more.

Lately, I joined another Nebraska-based tech company. Buildertrend makes construction management software for residential homebuilders and remodelers. In my free time, I golf and have started gaming on Switch and Xbox with the kids.

Nguyen, Kendra

Current City: Wichita, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


After high school, I attended Wichita State University (Go Shockers!) and got my degree in Marketing, with a minor in Accounting & Management in ’07. I thought I was going to stay within the business field but life took me in a different direction and I’ve actually worked in public health for the majority of my career. I currently work at the WSU Community Engagement Institute Center for Public Health Initiatives as a Public Health Program Specialists. Within my position I handle a lot of the public health communications for projects with local health departments across the state as well as other organizations we work with.

In my spare time, I love volunteering for local organizations and events like the Tallgrass Film Festival, Wichita Riverfest, and I’m currently getting more active with our young professionals organization. I’m an avid concertgoer and big supporter of our local art and music scene. If I’m not out and about, I’m probably crafting (knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, making stained glass). My hair is currently blue and I have a lot of tattoos so…I may look a little different than I did 20 years ago, lol. I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

Naccarato, Luke

Current City: Shawnee, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

My wife, Molly, and I live in Shawnee, KS and have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. I work in Real Estate and Finance and enjoy coaching our boys in various sports. Our youngest daughter was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder shortly after she was born, so we have been advocating for her and others like her through various organizations. We are lucky to have a great community associated with our church and have been able to keep in touch with many classmates from the 2004 graduating class.

Pardue, Ryan

Current City: Stillwater, OK

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

Since high school I completed my degree in architectural drafting from HCC and then entered the workforce. I have been working in construction in way or another ever since doing sales, social media, project management, or drafting. With a few years as a youth pastor as well.

In 2012 I married my best friend in Stillwater and then in 2020 we adopted our daughter at 4 days old. Nothing has been the same since! Nor would we want it to be!

Looking forward to reading more of these and hope to catch up with you!

Patton, Lindsey (Boese)

Current City: Bazine, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

I have been in Ness County for the last 18 years. My husband is a large dry land farmer, we have a 13 year old daughter, Khloe, she is active in volleyball, track, competitive dance, 4H, and band. My 10 year old son, Kamden, is active in football, baseball, track, robotics, 4H, welding, and tinkering with anything that has a motor.

In 2020, I opened my own multi-state licensed insurance agency, I am lucky to have four amazing employees (two actually are from Hutch and attended high school with us, that moved out this way) . In 2023 my husband and I bought and restored a 1940s bank building and we opened it as a venue rental for our community.

Pina, Zach

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

2004 was a horrible year for me. The first month of school my dad passed away then a week later I got into a bad car crash (No I was not the one who hit the library lol). 2nd tri, failed auto body by 1 percentage point since I missed pretty much both trimesters so I dropped out. Mr Morris called me up the next school year and told me to get my a__ in here right now and enroll in which I did and graduated with A’s and B’s.

After graduation went straight to the work force first working in tree service, then auto shops before finally working at Cooper tires driving service truck for 6 years.

After that worked at Siemens windpower (Siemens windpower) starting out as mechanical assembly then moved into management. Got tired of that and went to maintenance and taught my self how to mig and tig weld.

During this time I became heavily invested into grudge racing street bikes/sport bikes. Traveled the country racing with my family and kids but just couldn’t afford to travel every month racing without sponsors. Started a YouTube channel called DRK KNT Racing that got some traction but just never got the subs that was needed.

Last year in Louisiana (No Problems Raceway) had a motor lock solid at the top end of the track at 135 mph. I had 13 hours to anilize my life, and it was at that moment I 100% devoted my life to Jesus Christ and quit racing.

Long story short, got hit with a layoff and started traveling doing contract work for a year before getting a job with CNH (Case and New Hollands) on the corporate side.

Currently I’ve been working with CNH for 2 years now and love being able to work at home and spend my down time with my family. I currently live in Hutchinson with my Beautiful wife and my four boys ages 4, 6, 10, and 13.

One thing I will never forget is Jr year, 4th hour before lunch history class I was sitting behind someone and I was doing my usual copying for a test and the person in front of me I won’t say who turned around and looked at me and said “you will never amount to anything”. This stuck with me to this day. I just want to tell him thank you. You were the reason why I pushed through and worked hard for everything.

Pitts, Shirley (Wanjua)

Current City: Wichita, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


I moved to Wichita in 2006 worked as a CNA then got my CMA . I did that for 10years. I got married in 2013 , we have a little boy named Wachira who is now 4. We love to travel to all around the world! I am a stay at home mom and I love to run. I have ran 3 half marathons and I have 2 more this year! That about sums it up!

Plank, Megan (Sallee)

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes


After high school I attended cosmetology school and got my degree as a cosmetologist. But in true Megan Fashion, that’s not actually what I enjoyed or wanted to do! So, I went back to the drawing board. I am an Orthopedic Surgeon assistant, specializing in total joint replacement and all the broken bones. I truly love my job and the patients I work with. I lived in Hawaii for a short time, but most of my time out of high school has been spent in our wonderful little hometown.

I’m Married, my husband Dylan and I have 5 children total. We share one together, and we both have 2 children from previous marriages. My son, Kingston, is 15- My daughter, Leighton is 12. My identical twin bonus daughters Ava and Grace just turned 9 and our grand finale, Ensley, is 18 months. We live in the country and own quite a bit of land, we have chickens, ducks, goats, turkeys, cats & a dog and I’m sure before the reunion we will have one more of something to add to the funny farm.

Can’t wait to see everyone!

Smith, Amber (Epperson)

Current City: Lawrence, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

Hey there! I look forward to attending the reunion in October but can hardly believe how quickly 20 years has went by! I’ll be traveling in from Lawrence where I live with my husband, Riley, and our 3 kiddos, Dean (6), Isaac (3), and Valerie (1). Riley and I met in Hutch in 2011 before moving to Lawrence for his career where he works at KU in research computing. We were married at the Danforth Chapel on campus in March of 2017.

During our senior year at HHS I was a member of Business Professionals of America which allowed me to work at the Hutchinson Clinic in the Medical Records Department in the afternoons. This experience sparked my interest in what has ultimately become my chosen career path. After high school I attended HCC where I furthered my education in Health Information Technology. After working in the field for several years I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Health Information Administration from the University of Kansas Medical Center, which I completed in 2015.

I’ve held various roles in my 20+ years of working with Health Information from a Medical Coder to a Director in a health system with 60+ employees. Right now I am loving my WFH position for a Health IT company where I work in Quality and am gaining expertise as a Certified Health Data Analyst. The flexibility in my current role affords me the opportunity to volunteer at my sons elementary school where I will be serving as the treasurer for the PTO next year, as well as with my state professional organization, KHIMA.

In my free time I enjoy staying active with yoga and running, attending concerts and sporting events, and eating at the many amazing local restaurants in our area. Since high school I’ve tried my hand at being a certified Zumba instructor and started a Professional Organizing business.

Hope to catch up with many of you at the reunion!

Smith, Kristin (Hoffman)

Current City: Chicago, IL

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

Instagram | Tiktok

After high school I attended KU to get my degree in music therapy. While at KU, I met my husband Chris and we were married in 2011.

Music was not the right path for me and I found a love for the culinary arts. In 2011, I started teaching people how to bake online through my baking resource website, YouTube channel and various other social media platforms using a vintage alter ego of “Baker Bettie.”

After attending culinary school, working in restaurants, and then as a private chef, I was able to go full time with the Baker Bettie in 2018.

In 2021, I released a best selling cookbook called Baker Bettie’s Better Baking Book. It is now used in many schools as part of their culinary curriculum.

In 2022, I opened a 1950’s styled event space and recreational cooking/baking school in downtown Chicago called Bettie’s Chicago where I teach on a variety of topics such as French pastries, sourdough bread, and cake decorating.

I am currently working on my second cookbook (all about bread!), set to be released in 2026.

My husband and I have lived in Chicago for 10 years now with our two cats Wyatt and Shadow.

Taylor, Katie (Baker)

Current City: Slater, IA

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

After graduation I went to Wichita State for a short time. I met my husband through friends and we have been married for 16 years this June. I have lived in Slater, IA since 2016. Slater is 5 miles south of Ames. My daughter, Brittney, is 10 and she enjoys softball, basketball, tennis and swimming. My son, Brady, is 6 and is a busy bee.

I’ve been in banking for as long as I can remember. I’m currently in the Private Banking department for a bank in West Des Moines, IA. Still on the fence about going to the reunion but if I do I can’t wait to see everyone.

Tibbits, Melissa (Kuhns)

Current City: Hutchinson, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Maybe

Personal Facebook | Non-Profit Facebook

Hello all! I can’t believe it’s been 20 years! Where has the time gone?! I haven’t ventured far from our hometown, as I still live in Hutch!

I have been married for 13 years, have five children, and with the help of my family we run our non-profit The Magic Clothes Bus! This organization helps school aged children and families, receive clothing for free! It also serves as a donation location for families that have outgrown clothing and don’t know where to take them. We started this in 2020 and have only gained momentum since!

Besides running everywhere with busy schedules and the MCB, I am a full time bus driver for USD309 and have been for 6 years. I love spending time with all the kids and helping any and all.

During high school I was rather shy and didn’t talk to a lot of you! But I remember you all and I love seeing where life has taken you. It’s unfortunate we have lost a few from our class, but I wish you all well and hope I am able to attend!

Zamarron, Marysol

Current City: Wichita, KS

Attending the 20 Year Reunion?: Yes

After graduating Hutchinson High School I attended Hutchinson Community College for 1 year pursuing a career in social work. I had a change in plans and had a passion for helping people and went on to completing CNA and CMA certification. I worked at several Health Care Centers for 18 years and grew a passion for nursing. I knew nursing was my calling. I went back to HCC and graduated in 6/2022 with my LPN. I worked 1 year as a triage nurse and now am currently working as a nurse in surgeons office.